
17 Television Shows You Loved As Teenagers But Can’t Sit Through As Adults: People Had Lot To Say On Reddit  

17 Television Shows You Loved As Teenagers But Can’t Sit Through As Adults: People Had Lot To Say On Reddit  

Have you ever watched a TV show that you loved as a teen but can’t seem to sit through as adults? The reason might be anything, maybe due to cringe acting, storyline or the cast.

Often when we grow up our perspective changes resulting in a new view towards the world.

Today we have shared 17 such shows that made us cringe as an adult while we were crazy about them as teenagers.

Read this article to know what these 17 television shows are and if you feel the same about these shows.

17 Television Shows You Loved As Teenagers But Can’t Sit Through As Adults  

Here are 17 shows that you loved as teenagers but can’t watch a single episode before cringing as an adult. Reddit user u/lisabonettwin asks Reddit “name a show that you loved watching as a teen but will not rewatch as an adult?”

This is what Reddit users had to say.



Reddit user u/Applewave22 says, “I was in middle school when it hit its peak and when I watch it now, as an adult, it’s so cringe and over the top.” Another user u/ExcellentAd3166 says, “Nowadays I can barely sit through an episode,” about 90210.

The Vampire Diaries  

The Vampire Diaries  

One of the most popular shows of the late 20s was The Vampire Diaries. Reddit user u/SunKillerLullaby says, “I was obsessed with this show! Being a teen during the vampire romance craze was actually pretty fun TBH.”

Another user u/ArseOfValhalla says, “It’s just so hard to care about problems that would go away with communication! But hey, we were all like that at that age. I looooved that show so much though.”

Gilmore Girls

Gilmore Girls

Another popular show of the 2000s was Gilmore Girls. u/Fife_Flyer says, “I liked it as a teen but just found the characters annoying as an adult.” Another user u/Low-Ad5212 says, “I came to say this, now I think their mother/daughter dynamic is insanely toxic.”

The Hills

The Hills

Reddit user u/Shelbyoh says, “I remember when they brought it back a few years ago, and I was so excited. It didn’t even feel like the same show. They added confessionals and stuff, and I know reality has changed since then, but it was weird. Actually, I’m not sure if I ever liked that show. Maybe it was just on all the time, and this was the early 2000s when you had to just watch what was on TV.”

Dawson’s Creek

Dawson’s Creek

Reddit user u/First-Combination-32 shares, “I made myself watch it sometime during the pandemic or something because I never finished it as a teenager. I loved it when it started but I actually aged out of it by the time I got to college and never knew how it ended. I felt gross after watching it.”

Another user u/kattarang says, “I rewatched it last year and I spent most of it questioning my younger self. Dawson and Joey were especially insufferable.”

The Secret Life of the American Teenager

The Secret Life of the American Teenager

u/No_Reality5076 says, “I was so young when this came out I was obsessed. I tried rewatching it and couldn’t believe I took it so seriously!”

Saved By The Bell

Saved By The Bell

 u/LovelyBones17 comments “Saved By The Bell.” Another user u/Broseph_Smith42 shares, “Yeah, I tried to watch an episode with my kids and it was brutal. We couldn’t make it even for five minutes.”

Gossip Girl

Gossip Girl

 u/Shelbyoh agrees with u/Sarasong10 who commented on Gossip Girl , “I agree with this, but not because I find it cringe (which it is), it’s just that without the constant plot twists it’s not very interesting.”

The O.C.

The O.C.

u/Smooth-Duck-4669 says, “I started rewatching it because I never made it through the third season to see the end when I was a teenager… I ended up giving up at exactly the same place.”

Teen Wolf

Teen Wolf

 u/AShor842 says, “I’ll consider rewatching season three if anything. But the rest is kind of painful,” about Teen Wolf. Another Reddit user u/NessaEs shares, “I loved it, but I tried to continue it when I was older and just couldn’t.”

Pretty Little Liars

Pretty Little Liars

u/kpa1991 says “I think the Aria and Ezra thing was creepy and wrong on so many levels. Not cute at all.” Now that I think about it isn’t that illegal to be dating a minor.

Buffy The Vampire Slayer

Buffy The Vampire Slayer

Reddit user u/First-Combination-32 says, “I had the same experience watching it as an adult as I did with Dawson’s Creek. So cringe. I was so serious about this show too, I remember crying!”

Full House

Full House

u/Rayne_1492 shares, “I absolutely loved it when I was a teen, but when I tried to watch it again not too long ago I couldn’t stand it. I didn’t even make it through the episode I was watching.”



I loved the musical show Glee as a teenager but can’t rewatch it ever again. The songs are great but the plot and acting are full of cringe. As Reddit user u/littlecoffeefairy says, “A lot of it is way too cringe for me, and too much stuff in real life has happened. I still listen to some of the songs though.”

Degrassi: The Next Generation

Degrassi: The Next Generation

u/Gloomy-Difference-51 says, “My husband and I actually rewatched it a few years ago and it was cringe AF.” Another user u/TheGentlemanWolf says, “Looking back, I don’t know why I even enjoyed it.”



Reddit user u/whiteyesores says, “Mostly because it was my comfort show as a teen and I watched it so much that I know it so well. It’s just not the same angsty feelings that I felt when I was 13-16.”

13 Reasons Why

13 Reasons Why

u/Infamous_Bandicoot33 says, “I watched it when I was 16 and really enjoyed it because it was edgy. Now I’m 20, I tried it again and it just wasn’t enjoyable.”


Let us know which TV show you loved as a teenager but can’t sit through an episode of that show as an adult?

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Nabamita Sinha loves to write about lifestyle and pop-culture. In her free time, she loves to watch movies and TV series and experiment with food. Her favorite niche topics are fashion, lifestyle, travel, and gossip content. Her style of writing is creative and quirky.

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