
Reddit Shares 18 Movies That Were So Good That People Watched Them Multiple Times  

Reddit Shares 18 Movies That Were So Good That People Watched Them Multiple Times  

Have you watched a movie that was so good that you watched that movie several times? If so then you might like to see if your favorite movie is in this list below. For me I can watch the Harry Potter Series several times until I go underground.

So when Reddit user u/Rising_Analyst questioned “what is the name of the movie that you can watch countless times?” We compiled the best answers given by Reddit users to list 18 such movies that people can watch several times in their lifetime.

Keep reading this article to know what these 18 movies are.

18 Movies So Good That People Watched Them Multiple Times  

Here are the 18 movies that people can watch several times. You might find one of your favorite movies among these listed movies.

My Cousin Vinny

My Cousin Vinny

Reddit user u/Alive-Tumbleweed-742 says, “Nearly every day when I leave for work I tell my wife, ‘Bye. I gotta go educate the youts.'”

Another user u/Johnny_Silverhand1 says, “My evidence professor in law school made us watch this movie and I’m so happy he did. I can’t believe I hadn’t seen it before then.”



u/LeapYear1996 says, “I’ve watched this at least 50 times.”  u/krebbycrackers also mentions Coraline.

The Shawshank Redemption

The Shawshank Redemption

Reddit user u/champipple says, “It’s the best book to movie ever. They nailed it.” u/bonjailey says, “I never skip it when it’s on television.”

The Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring (Extended)

u/soda_cookie says, “It’s my perfect adventure movie.” u/Jack_Bartowski says, “It’s my perfect adventure movie.”

Groundhog Day

u/almostascientist says, “I’m still an advocate that they should release Groundhog Day two, and just play the same movie. I would pay to see it three times.” u/gfdgfgh also comments the same.

Jurassic Park

OG dinosaur movie of all time “Jurassic Park” says u/ShaqsRefrigerator. u/dr_van_nostren says, “Finally one I can agree with! I’m not sure I’d wanna watch it repeatedly in short intervals, but like once a year or every couple years.”

Pulp Fiction

Pulp Fiction

u/SulevanTheMafika says, “Samuel L. Jackson was amazing in this film.” u/Hot_Larva also says Pulp Fiction.

Howl’s Moving Castle

Reddit user u/954kevin says, “I’ve watched this movie at least 75 times, and I love it more each time I watch it.” Now that’s a lot.

The Big Lebowski

u/Odorlessstench says, “‘That rug really tied the room together.'”

Home Alone

Now this movie is one of my favorites too. u/BroadwayBaby331 says, “Every. Christmas. Season.” u/AidanJ56 also mentions Home Alone.

Forrest Gump

Forrest Gump

u/apolloniabee says, “On repeat!!! My family thinks there’s something wrong with me for how many times in a row I can watch it like I’ve never seen it before. I dunno it puts me in a happy place.” No one should question anything that makes someone happy so u/apolloniabee keep watching the movie on repeat.

u/ILoveMonorails95 also says “Forrest Gump.”


u/Quetzal00 comments “Shrek” and u/FuschiaHouseplants agrees saying, “Agreed! Only the first two Shrek films though. None of the subsequent ones.”

Big Trouble in Little China

u/cauldron-crawler says, “This is one of my partner’s favourite movies! I finally watched it with him a few months ago.”

u/CosmicBlur311 also mentions the movie Big Trouble in Little China.

Terminator 2: Judgement Day

u/Kreaetor says, “Honestly, I’ve probably seen it at least 100 times.”

10 Things I Hate About You

u/elizabeth_cotton says, “Okay, yes, yes, and YES. I watch this at least twice a year without fail, it is such a comfort movie. It just never feels boring no matter how many times I’ve sat and watched it.”

u/yhdreytaweatrst agrees with u/elizabeth_cotton.

Pride and Prejudice (2005)

Pride and Prejudice (2005)

Reddit user u/BroadwayBaby331 says, “Yes! The BBC version has its place, I love Colin Firth. But the 2005 version is so succinct and the music is beautiful. I could watch it forever.”

u/noonewantstodateme also mentions the Pride And Prejudice movie.

The Sound of Music

The Sound of Music

u/elizabeth_cotton shares, “My mum and I watch this without fail every year on New Year’s Day with the leftover Christmas chocolates.”

While u/Maximum_Budget_991 says, “This is a go to ‘sick movie’ for me.”

Fantastic Mr. Fox

Reddit user u/86missingnomes says, “It’s so calming and my toddler loves it!” about Fantastic Mr. Fox being an all time favorite movie to watch on repeat.

Another user u/athiestchzhouse says, “It was once on repeat for weeks at my place.”


Let us know which movie you loved so much that you can watch several times. Was it one of the movies listed above or something else?

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Nabamita Sinha loves to write about lifestyle and pop-culture. In her free time, she loves to watch movies and TV series and experiment with food. Her favorite niche topics are fashion, lifestyle, travel, and gossip content. Her style of writing is creative and quirky.

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